The El Dorado Irrigation District (“EID” or “District”) is in the process of transforming its customer management, infrastructure management, and community development practices via an upgrade of its Infor Hansen CIS, CMMS, and CDR solutions. The current versions are severely outdated and the District’s practices have drifted away from a common norm. Each of the Divisions deploys Hansen independently and the District’s employees perform many manual processes and workarounds outside of Hansen. As such, the legacy software is causing significant workforce inefficiencies and barriers for EID’s envisioned business transformation and sustainable improvement.
Westin was selected by the District to oversee all phases of this important project. The Assess & Planning Phase resulted in an objective Gap Analysis and a practical Transformation Roadmap to plan, design, and manage the Hansen software upgrade and begin preparing the District for new solutions and accompanying business transformation. Westin’s Transformation Roadmap provided the District with guidance and best industry practices for EID’s successful project outcomes including priorities, strategies for significant business improvements, timing, and the anticipated resource and financial needs. During the RFP Development, Evaluation & Selection Phase, Westin’s team guided the District in developing the appropriate scope of services, minimum requirements, system interfaces, scoring mechanism, and development of a competitive RFP for selecting the best-fit solution implementer (“SI”). During the Implementation Support Phase, Westin continues to serve as the District’s Trusted Advisor to help manage the SI and Infor’s team for the successful implementation and optimization of EID’s new Infor’s Public Sector (“IPS”) solution.
Effectively implementing and leveraging the new software capabilities will enable the District to eliminate its common use of paper forms, duplicate data entries, and manual workarounds for enhanced workforce efficiencies and improved customer experiences. The new IPS solution will expand EID’s customer self-service capabilities, streamline manual utility billing processes, enhance field mobility, improve maintenance and asset data quality, and enrich performance reporting. The District will also benefit from secured, transparent access to real-time information shared seamlessly across EID for better and more timely decision making.